London Knights Tickets, Dan Pulham Tournament 2018, 2018-2019 (London Bandits)

This Tournament is part of the 2018-2019 season, which is not set as the current season.
London Knights Tickets
London Bandits are excited to announce that we are offering London Knight game tickets to teams attending the Dan Pulham Memorial Tournament. Your team will have the opportunity to watch the London Knights take on the Erie Otters on Friday, November 30th @ 7:30pm. Tickets cost are $20/ ticket (if paid for by cheque) $21/ ticket (if paid for by paypal) Tickets are on a first come first served basis.

Knights Tickets Online Order Form

Please provide primary contact & team information below


Tickets sold through the website and payment method is Pay Pal or Cheque. Tickets purchased using PayPal are subject to a processing fee. Payment for tickets purchased using cheque as payment option should be sent to: London Bandits P.O Box 35067 Nelson Park Postal Outlet London, ON N5W 5Z6