Neil Barker
Neil was a dedicated coach, trainer, volunteer and LMHA board member who started with the association in 1992 in the Myte division (Initiation). He coached every year, in every division (sometimes more than 1 in the same year) until his sudden passing in 2007.
He worked diligently on practice plans for his teams as well as others. During the hockey season, Neil devoted countless hours on the many tasks required (or requested) and could always be found in one arena or another.
One of Neil’s passions was hockey. The development of the players was a goal he strived for on and off the ice. Through his years involved with LMHA, he formed many relationships not just with the players but their parents and families as well as other coaches and board members.
A testament to him and his involvement with LMHA was the number of coaches, board members and players (many from years past) that have spoken with our family on how Neil inspired and changed their lives.
From 2007 to 2017, LMHA paid tribute to his memory with a memorial tournament. When East and South amalgamated into the London Bandits they combined the 2 association’s house league memorial tournaments. We are honoured to share this tournament with the other respected members that are included in this prestigious event.
Best of luck to all the teams participating and remember to HAVE FUN!