Brian Sturgeon
Taken way to soon.
For many Canadians, the local hockey rink is a home away from home. Parents and coaches, volunteers and spectators roam in and out, shuffling from practice to games, slugging hockey bags from cars to dressing rooms, earnestly cheering and supporting young athletes.
Brian found a life rhythm in hockey. A strong, regular rhythm by which others, friends and strangers alike, could count on, could call upon and trust. Brian served hockey, and specifically the London Bandits hockey association, as a devoted volunteer for many years. From board member to coach, to trainer, Brian was committed wholly to his ‘hockey family’. Fundraisers, BBQs, tournaments, on-ice assistance, if it was happening, Brian was there.
Brian earned his Level 3 Trainers certification and with that card, he fiercely protected the integrity of the trainer role and the safety of every player. For over 14 years, Brian provided exceptional care and support to hundreds of young athletes, their parents and the men and women he stood on the bench with. His ‘Trainer at Large’ status with the London Bandits was his pledge to everyone that, if ever, whenever, whoever, needed help, he would be there…trainer kit in hand.
We are honoured to have his memory shared with the coaches, players, and parents attending The London Bandits Memorial Tournament. We wish you all good luck and a safe and injury-free weekend!