Role Review - Sponsorship Chair, News (London Bandits)


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Apr 01, 2020 | Luisa Gould | 505 views
Role Review - Sponsorship Chair
Sponsorship/ Promotions Coordinator
• Co-ordinate and or arrange for sponsors for all House league teams;
• Report on the status of the sponsorship activity from time to time to the Board of Directors;
• Confirm the payment of all sponsorship fees with the Corporation's Treasurer;
• Serve as the principal contact with all sponsors and will liaise with same from time to time regarding the activities of the Corporation i.e. Dodge Caravan organizing and be key person for contact
• Sit on a minimum but not limited to one committee

• Oversee team fundraising ideas 
• Provide a list of protected sponsors 
• Provide a letter for HL and MD to obtain sponsorships. 
• Plan, host and maintain corporation fundraising events 
• Be responsible for the advertising and promotion of the corporation and its programs by means including, but not limited to newspaper ads, signboards, bulletin board notice, newsletters etc.
• Head the nominations committee for annual meeting
• Responsible for clothing and swag
• Address all public relations to portray the corporation positively
• Hosts the nominations portion of the AGM 
• Responsible for enforcing clothing policy 
• Responsible for enforcing fundraising policies 
• Overseeing all fundraising and promotions 
• Overseeing all association special events 
Tetris Financial
Tetris is supporting the London bandits to ensure players have funds to play hockey. Tetris Financial Inc.
What is atomic® Hockey? atomic® Hockey is a McDonald's® Canada minor hockey sponsorship program of house league Atom level divisions across Canada (excluding the Province of Quebec) which provides free sets of primary game jerseys and socks to all participating teams. In communities where there is a McDonald's restaurant each atoMic® Hockey association is provided with their kits courtesy of their local sponsor
Tim Hortons
Timbits Minor Sports Program Learning a new sport, making friends and having fun. Tim Hortons sponsors minor sports programs across Canada and the U.S. giving more than 300,000 children an opportunity to play hockey, soccer, lacrosse, softball, baseball and ringette.