George Bray (London Bandits)


PrintGeorge Bray

George Bray - Board Member Volunteer Award
was a volunteer with 
LMHA Association
he also started the George Bray Association for Special needs
We honour his dedication to 
helping others, with no questions asked, 
giving of his time to make sure all players were served. 
When asked to help out he would just jump in with two feet. 

This award should represent a volunteer from the Organization of the London Bandits can be any member from Board, to Volunteer within the organization,  a team manager, a team rep, a coach whom goes out of their way 
to help as many people as possible. 
They reach out to help others when asked. 
They volunteer their time with no questions asked. 
They are there for our players to make sure they are served. 

The following recipients have received this award

2022-2023 - Not Awarded 

2021-2022- Don Drown 

2020-2021 Nancy Putzer

2019-2020- Greg Schauss
- Art Putzer
-Boomer Boyce