This year we have reduced the amount of volunteers needed for this role down to 2 board of directors. Check out these roles and nominate someone today
Directors at Large
• Be responsible for the implementation of one annual mandatory fundraiser (i.e. Night with the Knights)
• Be responsible for coordinating the volunteer activities associated with the tournaments, pre-season ice, and any other activity requiring volunteers
• Be responsible for promoting social and fundraising events such as, but not limited to, dances, Coach’s Appreciation Night, Picture Day, and Santa’s Visit; in conjunction with 10.16
• Be responsible for all activities associated with the annual Roundup
• Be responsible for forwarding information for posting on the web site
• Be responsible for parent-rep meetings, 2 per team ie beginning of the season, just before playoffs.
• Reports to the Vice President
• Follow issued budgets and bring event plans to the Board for approval