We would like to Congratulate the following people on their upcoming positions on the London Bandits Board for the 2020-2021 Season. We would like to thanks all those whom were nominated and stood for elections.
President: Jack Boyce
Vice President: Graham Babbage
Director of Risk Management: Kim Reynolds
Treasurer: Michelle Drown
Secretary: Luisa Gould
Registrar: Sarah Gilmore, Kirsten Norton
Ice Convenors: Don Drown, Chris Ferguson
VP of Competitive: Sue Whitmore
VP of House league: Pat Robbins
Player Coach Development: Ian Coloquhoun
Promotions and Sponsorship: Jen Sutherland
Tournament Director: Sandy Cheesman, Lisa Ford
Equipment Director: Craig Loyst
Initiation Program U7 : Kevin Caulfield
Novice House League U9: Calvin Gould
Atom House League U11: Dawn Devoy
Peewee House League U13: Pam McNichol
Bantam House League-U15- Gary Chenier
Midget/Juvenile Convenor- Sara Hunter
MD Novice- Peewee Convenor U13- Sara Williams
Md Bantam-Midget Convenor U 19 Tina Barnes
Directors at Large: Lynsey Lamont, Gayle Moore