We are able to offer a 10 week development phase 1 for our upcoming first half of the season and therefore due to the change in our season approach, we have had to change our registrations over. If you have registered with us you will receive an email stating what your next steps are.
We are planning on Hockey developing into this stage This will be our indicator if we will be able to offer our Second Phase in January.
Phase 1 running from Oct 10 - Dec 19th take a christmas break and hopefully start up in January with a new session.
There are so many questions still being posed daily and we are working around the clock to ensure we can have a great season for all of our players while maintaining costs low.
Health Guidelines and OHF policies will indicate how many kids can be on that ice at that time. Right now we have a limit of 25 per rink. These are changing weekly and daily and so it's hard to answer all your questions. If you have questions you can ask on this link below and we will do our best to get them answered.
Registrants currently registered with us will need to fill in this questionnaire to help the registrars ensure your choices as they will have to alter everyone's account individually. Please submit this questionnaire no later than
sept 8,2020
There will be more information coming before we start such as Health and Safety Guidelines, once we have been approved by Alliance we will let our general public what it is.