Aug 25, 2021 | webmaster | 542 views
The London Bandits Board - Welcome to the 2021-2022 Season
The London Bandits had their AGM a few weeks back and have elected the following roles for the upcoming season. Congratulations to all our Board Members for 2021- 2022 Season
President: Jack Boyce
VP: Graham Babbage
Director of Risk Management/Covid Manager: Tina Barnes
Secretary: TBA ( Looking for a volunteer to fill this role)
Acting Secretary: Luisa Gould
Webmaster: Tina Gathercole
Registrars : Sara Gilmore and Luisa Gould
Treasurer: Michelle Drown
Ice Convenors: Don Drown , Vicky Bossenberry
Player Development: Kevin Caulfield
VP of MD : Sue Whitmore
Novice- Peewee Convenor MD- Sara Hunter
Bantam - Midget MD- Sarah Williams
VP of House league : Mark Lamont
Novice Convenor: Vacant ( We are looking for volunteers to fill this role)
Atom Convenor: Vacant
Peewee Convenor: Vacant
Bantam Convenor: Gary Chenier
Midget/Juvenile Convenor: Warren Balloch
IP Director : Matt Duncan
Equipment Director: Veronique Parent
Sponsorship Chair: Vacant ( looking for a volunteer)
Tournament Director : Kim Tilford
Directors at large: Lynsey Lamont, Gail Moore, Pam McNichol