Awards time, wrapping up the season...
Our season is just about over, and we will be able to have a
"Live" award event for all of our players in Initiation, Minor Atom,
Atom, Minor Peewee, Pewee House league and MD program.
Our Minor Bantam, Bantam, Minor Midget and Midget House
league and MD program will have a separate event.
We are finalizing the date and venue and once we know the details, we will let you know please keep the last few weeks of April Available. The players and teams will have an opportunity to gather as a team to get their spirit awards, MVP, and the Esso award. Our CHL (which represents our House league program - their finals will be the weekend of March 26th and March 27th - schedules will be posted to the teams’ website once those final games and scores are reported- Coaches please make sure to get your scores in asap as this can impact who plays who)
Parents: Please look at our Awards section on the website – Initiation parents, you can vote for the Wayne Karlstedt award- please see this section for the award guidelines.
Those parents who are in the House league and MD program – we are looking for nominations in the Coach of the year Pierre Sonier, as well as the Neil Barker award.
These are due by April 15th. Please nominate someone today!