Apr 12, 2023 | Luisa Gould | 708 views
From the desk of our President :
Tonight was my Last Board Meeting as President of the London Bandits I am retiring from Minor hockey at our AGM in May . I want to thank all the Volunteers who have stepped up to help run our Program . I want to thank all the amazing Board members who I have worked with the past 30 years .
With tears in my eyes and a heavy heart I want to especially thank all the amazing hockey Families who have helped my family the last 2 years when my wife Kim was battling Cancer her battle is not over but your support helped in ways that will never be forgotten . I will miss Coaching I have met some wonderful people over the years , I will not let the haters wreck all the time I have put in for all the children I did my best along the way knowing I am far from Perfect . Please come to our AGM in May we need New People to take on some big roles , We need a new Voice its time for change we have the best Volunteers in London they will need your help . I can assure you the Good out ways the bad in any role you take on when you see the smiles of the players it makes it all worth while . Hockey brings out the best and worst of People but the friends you meet along the way last a lifetime . I love walking into the rink and seeing kids I coached 2o years ago now giving back and coaching their kids . I have been a board member for 28 years thanks for all the memories I have so many . I am looking forward to my only role next year and that is being a Hockey Dad . Thank a Volunteer next time you see one , remember this is the best sport in the world and with new voices it will only get better . Enjoy your summer see you around the rink its time for me to focus on my family