Jul 12, 2023 | webmaster | 953 views
Initiation coaches and Volunteers Needed
Our IP convenor (U7)- James Yeoman is looking for some assistance this year on the ice, we are looking for some coaches who can help run some drills, skate and help keep our young ones on the ice and learn the game of hockey.
If you can help out we would require you to get a vulnerable police check, gender identity training and respect in leadership - this protects all of our players and yourself on the ice.
If you can support the London bandits please contact our convenor- click on his name to email him - James Yeoman.
Please reach out the Registrar- Luisa Gould and she can support you in getting your credentials by creating an account online on the Hockey Canada system as a volunteer coach package. This will help you in getting started to get the above credentials. Please email me at the [email protected] address for this part of things.
We are also looking for some high school Volunteers- they must be 16 years old and be a registered player with our association, wear a helmet and gear on the ice. We will sign off on their volunteer hours. Please reach out to James Yeoman if you have a student, or are player willing to support our IP Program this season.