Aug 18, 2023 | webmaster | 420 views
What is it you like about Hockey?
What is it that you like about London Bandits Minor Hockey Association? Is it that your player gets to exercise?, Is it that your player gets to meet new friends?, Is it the family feeling? Is it that your player gets to learn how to play a sport, learn the skills needed to play the sport, learning to win, learning how to lose as a team, team play? In order for us to grow as an organization - We need our parents to spread the word!
Take this opportunity and invite 5
friends to come out and try our sport of Hockey- Lets make our family bigger! Register now! And if your reading this and you haven't registered! Just do it! Any questions about registration reach out to our registrar Luisa Gould at
[email protected] - She will answer your questions quickly!
Please share this page with your family and friends! Help us grow the game we love so much! We want kids to have fun!