Apr 07, 2024 | webmaster | 162 views
Today's role What we are we looking for : Convenors for BB and HL
Today's role we will introduce is Convenors - The HL Convenors and BB convenors help organize Teams and are the Liaison for Coaches to help support them throughout the year and for parents and teams as well. Take a look at the role description and nominate someone today- Nomination form on our website. responsible for coordinating and managing all facets associated with the operation of their specific division, including sending updates for posting on the website.
● Be responsible for the movement of players within the house league system and The BB program.
● Attend annual House League coaches meeting, CHL meeting. or BB Meetings
● Representative on the Discipline Committee
● Prepare a report for a monthly board meeting.
● Collaborate with Directors at Large to supply support to the Convenor position.
● Volunteer at the Dan Pulham Tournament, and London Bandits Memorial Tournament – (minimum of one tournament)
● Attend the CHL during the Championship weekend.
● Support the playoffs.
● Attend as many home games as possible.
● Attend the Round Up Awards Banquet and support the Directors at Large.
● NOTE: One cannot be the convenor of your own child’s age group at the Competitive level- it is a conflict of interest