This is another crucial role in our organization - This person organizes the House league divisions and facilitates this program- see what is needed below
Vice President of
House League
Be responsible for all
House League teams, including all aspects of their operation, representing same
at the Community Hockey League or respective representative association.
Attend the Community
Hockey League meetings as a voting member representing London Bandits, as well
as the CHL.
Serve as chair of
House League Hockey Coaches Selection Committee
Recommend coaches and
bench staff to the board for approval.
Recommend for Board
approval, from all members of the Board, an individual to serve as the second
London Bandits Rep to the CHL Board, and an individual to serve as the
Alternate London Bandits Rep to the CHL Board
Be responsible for the
annual House League coaches/managers meeting at the beginning of the season.
Issue travel permits.
Annual review of the
Coaches Manual and work in conjunction with the VP of Competitive Hockey to
ensure the same forms are being used where need be and alter where competitive
forms are different and ensure that the Secretary has all necessary documents
to post prior to the season beginning.
Review team budgets
and account activity statements
Address team concerns
about budget
Ensure all coaches,
volunteers, and trainers remain informed of new policies.