Role of Vice President - Another role we are looking for, News (London Bandits)


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Apr 15, 2024 | webmaster | 255 views
Role of Vice President - Another role we are looking for
This role is also important as they help keep our whole organization a float and organize our timekeepers.  See what is needed. 

Vice President

        Shall be a signing officer of the Corporation.

        Perform President’s duties during the absence of the president.

        Sits on three committees (Operations, Constitution and Finance)

        Oversees the Directors at Large.

        Recruit and train people 12 years and older to establish a stable of people for timekeeping of all games.

        Schedule timekeepers for all regular season and playoff games

        Process timekeeper invoices and ensure timekeepers are paid in a timely manner.

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Tim Hortons
Timbits Minor Sports Program Learning a new sport, making friends and having fun. Tim Hortons sponsors minor sports programs across Canada and the U.S. giving more than 300,000 children an opportunity to play hockey, soccer, lacrosse, softball, baseball and ringette.
Tetris Financial
Tetris is supporting the London bandits to ensure players have funds to play hockey. Tetris Financial Inc.