Hello Bandits Families! As President of the London Bandits this year, and I want to welcome all returning players and new players to our Bandits family!!
This off-season, your Board has been busy preparing for the upcoming season and working on new new ideas to help our great organization grow and become stronger for our players and coaches.
New this season:
At both Nichols and Argyle, coaches will be given teaching aids for on ice instruction. The organization will supply each coach with access to the IHS hockey systems website, which will give coaches an opportunity to build practice plans and see plans that are ready to use that can be sent to the team. The site has videos and many strategic plans for coaching, including face off set ups as well as offensive and defensive plays. It offers lots of new drills with video explanation. We hope all of our coaches will take advantage of this tool to help our players and teams improve. We are also looking at putting together some coaching clinics to better help our coaches communicate with each other and to share ideas.
The Bandits have teamed up with Herms Sport Exchange this season as our team-wear supplier. You can now go online and see the products supplied, or you go into the store to purchase in stock merchandise. The 8x8 display will be ready Aug 1 and includes new hats, blankets, tumblers, jibits for crocs etc...
Also new this season at the Bandits will now proudly display our logo at center ice on the Argyle B pad and we will have some door displays at both Argyle and Nichols.
As an organization, we want to do something to give back. For the month of October, the Bandits want to turn our home games 'pink' in support of Cancer research. We have designed a new logo for shirts and hoodies that will be available to pre-order from August to mid September on Herms website, so we have them for October 1. Herms is supplying these products at cost and ALL proceeds will be donated to the Cancer Society to help fund Cancer research.

Please save the date! Our 2nd Annual Meet and Greet is scheduled for September 22nd at Nichols Arena, and we have some great things planned for the day!
Weather permitting, Herms will have a light up shooting gallery and a mini stick rink set up. They will also have Bandits merchandise for sale.
We have Branigan's Fish and Chips and No No Nanette's Ice Cream food trucks booked.
We are working diligently to try and have Scorzy there again, along with some surprise guests. Keep your eye on the website for more details!
We are looking forward to having a great season and I hope to see everyone on the 22nd and around the rink this season.
Thank you,
Shawn Reidy