Bandit Board Roles (London Bandits)
Player Movement
OHF Screening
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Player Movement
OHF Screening
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Team Finder
Safe Sport
Team Finder
Organization Menu
London Bandits Boundaries
London Bandits Constitution
2024-2025 Constitution
2023-2024 Constitution
Purpose and Objectives
London Bandits Board Role Description
GLHA Constituion
Mission & Vision
Bandit Board Roles
Executive & Staff
Executive & Staff
London Bandit Board Meetings
Contact Us
Organization Calendar
Organization Calendar
Online Boardroom Request
Area Arenas
Equipment Request
2024- Nominations
Lifetime Members
2025-2026 Registration
2024 Registration
OHF Vulnerable Sector Check Information and Link
Funding Opportunities
Alliance RMF Form
Coaches Alliance Requirements
Respect in sports Instructions
How to log on to Spordle
How to log on to Spordle
Payments on Spordle
How to sign off on waivers
Address Changes on Hockey Account
Wayne Karsteldt
George Bray
Neil Barker
Pierre Sonier
2025-2026 Spring Tryouts
Coaching Requirements
Coaching Requirements- Alliance Required
House league and MD Tryout Schedule
OHF Vulnerable Sector Check Information and Link
Spring Tryouts
2021-2022 OHF Minimum Suspension List
Referee Information
Maltreaatment for Coaches
House League Coaches
House League Coaches
House league Manual
Houseleague 2021 Coaching applications
Houseleague Roster Form
Jersey Letter
Initiation Coaches
MD Coaches
AP player Form MD
London Bandits MD Roster
Gender Identity Training
London Bandits MD Budget
Player intent to play
Police Check Forms
Jersey Letter
Respect In Sport
Sponsors bars
Sponsorship Letter
MD Coaches
Medical form
Affiliated player agreement
MD Hockey Labels
MD Managers
Referee Info
Referee Info
OHF Minimum Suspension 2021-2022
Team Roles
Risk Management
Disciplinary Action For Violation of Policies
Team Parent Role Responsiblities
Alliance Forms and Documents
Dryland Insurance Forms
Exhibition & Tournament Permit
Standards of Play
Injury report
Medical Information Sheet
Concussion Protocol
Rowan's Law
UPDATED Code of Conduct
Social Media Policy
R Zone Policy
London Bandits Declaration page
COVID Vaccination Policy Update
Player Pathways Programs
U7 Pathways Program
U9 Pathways Program
U11 Pathways Program
U13 Pathways Program
Dan Pulham 2024 Tournament
London Bandits 2025 Memorial Tournament
Bandits Wear
Bandit Board Roles
Bandit Board Roles
Specific Duties of Bandit Board of Directors
Sets the date of the AGM
Chairs meetings of the Board of Directors and all General/Special meetings
Maintains contact with Alliance Hockey regarding policies and procedures
Represents the Association at the meetings of the G.L.H.A.
Advises Board of Directors
Sits on Alliance President's Committee
Sits on Resolutions committee
Sits on Discipline committee
Delegates to VP of Competitive and VP of House League
Supervises the Police Record Check program
Is a signing officer of the Corporation
Works with all board members to ensure collaborative working relationships; if not, delegates the resolution committee to handle the situation
Past President
Acts as a resource to the current Board of Directors and Executive Committee
Fulfills the role of President in the previous year prior to the role assignment
Resignation in the term mid-way forfeits the right to claim the title of Past President the next season
Vice President
Is a signing officer of the Corporation
During the absence of the president, performs the president's duties
Sits on 3 committees (operations, constitution, and finance)
Oversees the Directors at Large
Recruits and trains people 12 years and older for timekeeping of all games
Schedules timekeepers for all regular season, tournament, and playoff games
Processes timekeeper invoices and ensures timekeepers are paid in a timely manner
Director of Risk
Responsible for all newly implemented programs for all members of the Association
Responsible for the discipline of policies and procedures by coaches and trainers
Responsible for Rowan’s Law for all players and coaches and ensures compliance
Works with Registrars to complete an updated list of all coaches and coaching staff
Enforces policies, rules, and procedures of the Association, the GLHA, Alliance Hockey, Ontario Hockey Federation, and Hockey Canada, as well as any applicable laws
Creates a summary of suspensions and disciplinary actions
Creates and maintains a summary of CRCs and waivers for all coaches
Ensures the safety of all players during the season
Responsible for collecting tracing information in compliance with the MHU
Maintains confidentiality within this role
Keeps and maintains full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements raised and expended in the name of the Corporation
Reports on all financial activities of the Corporation in a manner and at such time as set out herein
Acts as Chairperson for the Finance committee
Reviews statements relating to the operations of activities and events
Works with other board members to oversee the collection of registration fees for all aspects of hockey, issuing invoices and receipts as required
Is a signing officer on all accounts of corporation money
Reports on all accounts on a monthly basis
Attends all meetings of the Board of Directors and takes the appropriate minutes of such proceedings
Gives all notices required to be given to the members and/or the Board of Directors prior to the next board meeting
Has minutes from meetings to board members no later than 2 weeks after the meeting
Creates labels for current board members' mailboxes at Earl Nichols Arena and Argyle Arena
Is the custodian of the Seal of the Corporation
Is a signing officer of the Corporation
Maintains all records, correspondence, contracts, and other such documents belonging to the Corporation, delivering them up only when authorized by a resolution of the Board of Directors
Maintains the flow of information to association members using the MBS Sports website, Facebook, Twitter, and other Social Media platforms chosen by the Board
Creates and maintains user accounts for all coaches or webmasters and monitors individual team websites for appropriate material
Responsible for the registration of all players in the Corporation's programs, including maintaining all registration records and team lists, ensuring all registration cards are signed, confirming rebates for players withdrawing from the program, confirming all registration fees are paid and submitted to the Corporation's Treasurer
Provides lists with appropriate information for the Board, Convenors, Coaches, City of London, and others as required
Ensures accurate information is provided for pre-season ice tryouts, House League assessments and drafts, Round Up, and ice allocation and rosters
Completes and submits all rosters for London Bandits
Works with the Director of Risk and other board members running clinics to ensure all players and coaches are properly registered as per Hockey Canada requirements
Follows up with the collection or reimbursement of fees as appropriate
Responsible for police checks and tracking them by the Nov 15th deadline with receipts and/or completed Police Checks
Provides the President with monthly updates on the collection of Police checks and who is outstanding
Provides the Secretary a list of all active members for the AGM membership meeting
Has a list of current Parent members and Active members (available from the minor hockey registration system)
Ice Convener
Responsible for acquiring and scheduling all ice time for the Corporation's hockey program
Liaises with the appropriate referee associations for the purpose of ice allocation and assignment of referees
Liaises with the Vice President of House League and Vice President of Competitive Hockey
Monitors and reports on the utilization of ice
Notifies Vice President of league games
Liaises with Alliance
Responsible for tournament ice and works with the tournament director in conjunction with ice allotments
Vice President of Competitive Hockey
Produces a contact list for all London Bandits Minor Development teams as required by the Board
Registers all London Bandit players and coaches in clinics and follows up with collection or reimbursement of fees as appropriate
Serves as Chair of the MD Coaches Selection Committee
Recommends MD coaches and Bench staff to the Board for approval
Responsible for the movement of players between the Corporation’s MD and House League program
Issues travel permits for London Bandits teams
Sits on the London Junior Mustangs committee
Brings forth another committee member to the board to attend seeded committee meetings, voted by board members
Responsible for all Mustang White Teams, including all aspects of their operation and representing London Bandits at the Seeded level
Attends the Seeded Hockey League meetings representing the London Bandits
Participates on the Seeded Coaches Selection Committee
Responsible for the movement of players between the Corporation’s MD and Seeded program
Annually reviews the Coaches Manual and works with the VP of House League to ensure consistency in forms, altering where necessary for competitive teams, and ensuring that the Secretary has all necessary documents to post before the season begins
Reviews team budgets and account activity statements
Addresses team concerns about the budget
Ensures all coaches, volunteers, and trainers remain informed of new policies
Vice President of House League Hockey
Responsible for all house league teams, including all aspects of their operation, representing them at the Community Hockey League or respective representative association
Attends the Community Hockey League meetings as a voting member representing London Bandits and the CHL
Serves as Chair of House League Hockey Coaches Selection Committee
Recommends coaches and bench staff to the board for approval
Recommends for Board approval an individual to serve as the second London Bandits Rep to the CHL Board and an individual to serve as the Alternate London Bandits Rep to the CHL Board
Responsible for the annual House League coaches/managers meeting at the beginning of the season
Issues travel permits
Annually reviews the Coaches Manual and works with the VP of Competitive Hockey to ensure consistency in forms, altering where necessary for competitive teams, and ensuring that the Secretary has all necessary documents to post before the season begins
Reviews team budgets and account activity statements
Addresses team concerns about the budget
Ensures all coaches, volunteers, and trainers remain informed of new policies
Player/Coach Development
Works with the Vice President of House League and Vice President of Competitive to establish and administer development programs for players and coaches
Organizes and advertises clinics
Acts as a point of contact for coaches regarding player skill development
Creates a budget sheet and works with President/Ice Convenor on an appropriate budget
Responsible for the collection of fees, in conjunction with the Treasurer and webmaster
Acts as a point of contact for the goalie clinic and organizes this program
Responsible for all clinics being taken, including coaches’ clinics, concussion clinics, etc., and responsible for the billing of such clinics
Tournament Chair
Responsible for setting up a committee of at least 5 people, including the Ice Convenor, VP, and a board director, to establish the committee at the first general meeting after the AGM
Oversees running of the tournaments and delegates duties associated with the tournament to the committee
Orders trophies
Works with the company that offers hotel rebates
Completes all documentation to the Alliance
Completes final balance sheets to provide to the treasurer and board
Has signing authority for all contracts required for the tournaments with Board approval and seeks tender for hotel rebates
Coordinates vendors and manages contracts
Ensures all rosters and travel permits are approved 2 weeks prior to the tournament start date
Ensures all London Bandits board teams are entered and have registered for the Dan Pulham and London Bandits Memorial Tournament
Ensures that the London Bandits Memorial Tournament continues to honor the Jayden Elmore player in the Atom division by offering a Jayden Atom Division
Ensures that the London Bandits Memorial Tournament continues to honor Neil Barker by offering a Neil Barker division in the Midget division
Ensures that the London Bandits Memorial Tournament continues to honor Brian Sturgeon by offering a Brian Sturgeon division in the Bantam age group
Ensures that the trophies are labeled correctly and reviewed annually for spelling 2 weeks prior to the tournament
Ensures that the families of the Memorials are notified of the tournament well in advance so they can be part of the opening and closing ceremonies of each division
The Memorial will be reviewed after 5 years to enable the recognition of other families. The tournament director will bring this forward to a board meeting for approval
All expenditures not associated with key issues in the tournament must be brought to the London Bandits board for approval (e.g., jersey, net purchases)
Equipment Manager
Responsible for the issuance, return, and inventory of all Corporation equipment and jerseys, the maintenance and storage of same, and keeping records of all issuances and returns by team coaches
Authorizes the respective use of jerseys and equipment by all Corporation teams
Sits on a minimum of one other committee
Conducts an annual inventory of all equipment and reports back to the board on replacements needed, equipment repairs, and equipment not returned
Responsible for obtaining quotes on equipment and jerseys
Ensures a budget is followed
Assists the tournament committee with color conflicts for the house league division
Division Convenors
Responsible for coordinating and managing all facets associated with the operation of their specific division, including sending updates for posting on the website
Responsible for the movement of players within the house league system
Attends annual House League coaches meetings and CHL meetings
Serves on the discipline committee
Prepares a report for the monthly board meeting
Collaborates with Directors-at-Large to supply support to the Convenor position
Volunteers at the Dan Pulham Tournament and London Bandits Memorial Tournament, volunteering at a minimum of one tournament
Attends the CHL during Championship weekend
Supports the playoffs
Attends as many home games as possible
Attends the Round Up Awards Banquet and supports the Directors-at-Large
Directors at Large
Plans, hosts, promotes, and maintains corporation fundraising events such as (but not limited to) Picture Day, Skate with Santa, Coach’s Appreciation Night, Night with the Knights, Round Up Awards, and Round Up Dance
Follows issued budgets and brings event plans to the Board for approval
Responsible for the advertising and promotion of the corporation and its programs by means including, but not limited to, newspaper ads, signboards, bulletin board notices, newsletters, etc.
Oversees and enforces all fundraising and promotions policies
Provides letters for HL and MD to obtain sponsorships
Coordinates and arranges sponsors for all House League teams
Reports on the status of sponsorship activity to the Board of Directors
Confirms the payment of all sponsorship fees with the Corporation's Treasurer
Serves as the principal contact with all sponsors and liaises with sponsors regarding the activities of the Corporation
Provides a protected list of sponsors
Forwards information to the Secretary for posting on the website
Responsible for parent-rep meetings at the beginning of the season and before playoffs
Responsible for clothing and swag
Responsible for enforcing clothing policies
Heads the Nominations Committee for the AGM
Sits on a minimum of one committee
Responsible for coordinating the volunteer activities associated with the tournaments, pre-season ice, and any other activity requiring volunteers