Jan 17, 2016 | Doug Colbourn | 1410 views
Mon night practice
Hello Team,
After a well played hard working weekend for the team. Mon practice is not mandatory. I will not be there. Mark and Angilo will be running practice and I'm told there may not be any pucks involved only a lot of hard skating.
I am very proud of our players!!!! They out played there opponents in every game this past weekend only to be beat by the hockey gods. This happens to many great teams such as Montreal lol.
I have watched many games these past two weekends at the tourneys and I beleave our crew is leaps and bounds ahead of most teams at peewee or Bantam. The passing, player communication, setting up the right shot, out skating and out willing and much more. As coaches we are very proud of them. I think we are ready for Bradford and St Catherines to bring home the gold!!!
I will see you all Wed