Team Meeting Update, News, Bandits D6, 2017-2018, U12 (London Bandits)


This Team is part of the 2017-2018 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 07, 2017 | byoung | 776 views
Team Meeting Update
Happy Thanksgiving,

If you missed the team meeting on Wednesday night here are a few updates, and we need to get your contact information.

Happy Thanksgiving,

If you missed the team meeting on Wednesday night here are a few updates, and we need to get your contact information.

First, our head coach is Scott and Chuck will be the assistant coach, both bring years of coaching experience and we look forward to a great season with them. 

In addition to our coaches Bill will be acting as our team trainer and parent rep, please connect with him as each player needs a medical information sheet submitted by next week.

Brad and Lisa Young will be acting as team managers.

The following are requests from the coaching staff:
** NO phones or Camera in the dressing room, this includes both players and parents.
- Please arrive 30 mins before scheduled practice times
- Please arrive 45 mins before scheduled games
- Parents are to be out of the dressing room 10 mins. prior to games and practices, and stay out of the dressing room after games until the doors are opened
- Players are expected to be in tie, collared shirt and nice pants for each game
- In the event a parent or child is frustrated please observe a 24 hour cooling off period before contacting the Parent Rep.
- If you are going to miss a game or practice please call Scott (Head Coach) and notify him, we only have 11 skaters plus 1 goalie and sufficient time is needed to call up an AP player.
- As a team we will be entering 3 to 4 tournaments.
- Into next week we will be asking for $75 per player to start a fund for tournament fees.

If you weren't at the meeting please email [email protected] to provide us with your email and cellphone numbers.

See you at the rink
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