2014 Novice Tier 2 Roster, News, Novice Tier 2 MD Black, 2014-15, BB (London Bandits)


This Team is part of the 2014-15 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 14, 2014 | Scott Howarth | 1969 views
2014 Novice Tier 2 Roster
It was great to be back at the rink again this weekend!!

Thank you to everyone that came out and gave it their all over the last 3 days. Below please find your 2014 Novice Tier 2 Bandits team!!!!

Blake Cabral
Logan Craig
Aidan Hewitt
Jackson Howarth-Hanlon
Keaton Jones
Jack Lawrence
Noah Lukings
Sam MacFarlane
Brandon Polishuk
Emerson Pridham
Isaac Sellars
Ryan Whitmore
Aidan Doyle
Andrew McNally
Colton Dupee
And holding down the fort in net:
Callum Meiklejohn
Darrian Chartrand

If your name is not on the list please continue to work hard in house league this season. We will be looking for our AP players soon so please keep up the hard work.

If you have any questions please contact me at [email protected]


Scott Howarth

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