Sep 13, 2015 | Mike Vilon | 3090 views
Final Roster
I want to thank all the players for their hard work in the tryout process. It was an extremely difficult task as it always is near the end. If your name is not on the list below, you are to report to house league evaluations which start on Saturday. Check the house league tryout schedule on the Bandits website for exact times and location.
Congratulations to the following players on making the Novice Bandits Tier 2 team. Our parents meeting is to be held on Sunday September 20th from 4-6pm. Location details to follow.
N. Ferguson
D. Gaede
C. Hatfield
L. Johnson
G. Landgren
C. Mikler
S. Moore
C. Newcombe
M. Ohler
M. Pavicic
B. Polishuk
N. Skelton
L. Smith
P. Snelgrove
L. Sobko
M. Vilon
Coach Mike