Welcome to the 2015 MD Hockey Season, News, Minor Bantam MD Black, 2015-16, BB (London Bandits)


This Team is part of the 2015-16 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Aug 15, 2015 | Mike Branco | 1935 views
Welcome to the 2015 MD Hockey Season

Welcome everyone.  The tryouts are fast approaching. My name is Mike Branco, together with Kevin Bergeron, we are very excited an honoured to be the Coaches for minor Bantam MD Teams for this upcoming season.  


Try-out Process: 
Non-parent on ice help has been selected to assist me during tryouts to provide input and ensure a fair process.Players that advance through the tryout process will have their names posted on the team website with further instructions regarding ice times.  Players may be released to the House League process after two evaluations. The final roster for the MD teams will be posted after the final tryout date of September 17. 
September the 10th is the mandatory body checking clinic, which every player who is trying out for this team must attend.
Tryout Schedule
Checking Clinic In-Class Nichols A Thursday Sept. 10 5:00-6:30pm
Checking Clinic On-Ice  Nichols A Thursday Sept. 10 7:00-9:00pm
 Nichols A Friday Sept. 11 7-8pm
 Argyle B Saturday Sept. 12 2:30-3:30pm
 Argyle A Monday Sept. 14 7-8pm 
 Argyle A Wednesday Sept. 16 6-7pm 
Nichols B Thursday Sept. 17 6:30-7:30pm
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