Aug 17, 2017 | Chris Ferguson | 1022 views
Welcome to the London Bandits Atom MD Webpage.
My name is Chris Ferguson and I will be the head coach for this upcoming season.
Please note that the tryout times have been posted on the team calendar.
All players will be guaranteed 2 tryouts before any cuts will be made.
Players are asked to bring their own water bottles to tryouts.
Goalies are asked to bring their own jersey.
The on ice help and evaluators during the tryout process will all be non-parents. This insures every player gets a fair and equal evaluation, in the selection process of this years team.
The evaluators will be looking for: Hard Work, determination & dedication to improve & excel in their abilities, teamwork, focus, sportsmanship and skill.
I look forward to seeing all the players at the rink.
Good luck to all in tryouts!
Coach Chris