Aug 19, 2019 | Chad Hunter | 923 views
Hi, my name is Chad Hunter and I will be coaching the London Bandits Minor Peewee MD team this year.
I will be using this website to communicate during the tryout process, so please keep an eye on it or subscribe. If you have never played on a competitive team, please note there is more of expectations and commitment needed, we will have extra practices and exhibition games, your child will be expected to attend, especially for the tournaments, during playoffs and finals. We will be doing 5 tournaments, the locations and dates are listed under the schedule tab, please note that any of the tournaments that are outside of London we have hotel rooms (with pools) booked and it is expected that the team stay at these hotels, the tournaments require it. The first tournament is an early bird that is the weekend following the tryouts, as soon as the team is picked I will be sending the link to book which needs to be done immediately because of the short timeline. We will also be striving to once again make the Alliance finals, always in April, usually the 2nd weekend, immediately following the city finals, also mandatory for attendance.
Coach Chad