2020 Roster, News, MA U10 MD Black, 2020-2021, BB (London Bandits)


This Team is part of the 2020-2021 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 18, 2020 | Mike Branco | 1363 views
2020 Roster
I wanted to thank all players and parents for coming out to the evaluations this weekend.
The hardest job as a coach is selecting a team because all kids worked hard and gave their best effort.
If your name is on the list you have made the minor atom MD team. If it is not on the list
you are to go to house league practice time ( FRIDAYOCT 23 ,6PM ARYGLE AND SUNDAY OCT 25 5:30PM ARYGLE) Some one from house league will contact you which one to attend

Congratulations to the following players on making the minor atom MD team

Jacob Boyce
Colby Campbell
Jeremy Clark
Emma Dubarry
Finlay Hinriches
Keegan Lamont
Joseph Oliva
Keaton Smith
Crosby Taply
Aiden Benenati
Alex Degagne
Jakob Gilmore
Preston Lumley
Leo Maisonville
Cruz Mclaughlin
Nathan Murphy
Noah Romanczuk
Carter Westaway
Our first team practice is monday oct 19 at arygle at7pm 
I plan on having a team meeting on sunday  Oct 25 after our practice

Thanks to all
coach Mike
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